
This street with it's awkward shape and position joins the Westerstraat to the Dyk.
Het venedie

posted by Gaby de Wilde
4:27 PM

Zuider- havendijk

The Zuiderhavendyk
is one of the oldest streets of the world, all of Amsterdam was moddeld after this gracht. The botled ships museum is located on top of the passage to the ijselmeer. It was our only free harbour untill a tree grew on a surfbord just beside our oldest inhabitants the 2 ancient oaks.

posted by Gaby de Wilde
9:40 AM


The Breedstraat
is the official main street, here you find the city hall, more Restaurants and a hotel.
de Breedstraat

posted by Gaby de Wilde
9:34 AM


The Kaasmarkt
is one of the 650 year old streets of Enkhuizen. There a few shops and bars a restaurant and 2 disco's.
de Kaasmarkt

posted by Gaby de Wilde
9:26 AM


The Westerstraat
is the main street of Enkhuizen. There a lot of shops bars and Restaurants. I hope to review all here, some day....

posted by Gaby de Wilde
5:48 PM


I made a lot of photo's of Enkhuizen,
this is a few 1000 of my more successful attempts at being a photographer as well.

posted by Gaby de Wilde
5:26 PM